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July 24, 2024

Petrol Station leases: Key considerations before signing on the dotted line

Thinking of signing a lease for a petrol station? Senior Associate and Property Lawyer Shubha Rao outlines some important considerations before signing on the dotted line.

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July 8, 2024

What does the term "Discharged Bankrupt" mean?

Bankruptcy can have a devastating effect on an individual's personal situation and future employment prospects.  In some circumstances, even after being discharged from bankruptcy, ongoing obligations to the trustee in bankruptcy may remain, as Litigation Lawyer Sonali Mohla explains.

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May 28, 2024

Commercial and Industrial Property Tax - What you need to know!

From 1 July 2024, Victoria will commence a transition to phase out stamp duty for commercial and industrial property and replace it with a new annual Commercial and Industrial Property Tax (‘CIPT’). Andre Ong, Accredited Specialist (Property Law) summarises how this new tax will impact existing and prospective property owners.

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May 27, 2024

Purchasing a Minority Shareholding in a Company: A Practical Guide

Thinking of buying a small stake in a company? Commercial Lawyer Mehraaz Sidhu provides a handy guide for investors to ensure that your rights and interests are protected.

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May 14, 2024

Foreign Resident Executors and Beneficiaries in your Will - Potential tax consequences

Appointing executors or beneficiaries who reside overseas in your Will can lead to significant tax and other financial consequences for your estate and your beneficiaries, as Binay Prasad, Accredited Specialist (Wills & Estates Law) explains.

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May 9, 2024

Dealing with Property in a Deceased Estate

Property Lawyer Crystal Roman provides a snapshot of possible tax implications, such as land tax and CGT, for properties included in a deceased estate.

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April 29, 2024

Hacked! Lessons from a Cyber Attack

In April 2023, a foreign cyber gang targeted the Australian office of international law firm HWLE and implemented a substantial data hack.  The response, including through legal action in the Courts, has provided an interesting case study in how to respond to a cyber attack, as Managing Principal Mitchell Zadow explains.

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April 16, 2024

Planning for incapacity

While it is not something that anyone wants to contemplate, it's possible that at some point in the future you or someone in your family will require assistance with making or implementing decisions regarding financial, medical or personal matters. Wills & Estates Lawyer Sarah Slattery outlines the benefits of having instructions in place to ensure your interests are protected.

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April 4, 2024

Vacant Residential Land Tax - Is your property portfolio caught in the net?

Recent changes to Vacant Residential Land Tax capture all residential land in Victoria. Is your property portfolio caught in the net? Property Lawyer Jing Yuan Tay explains.

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March 1, 2024

Donation-based crowdfunding to fund litigation – what are the risks?

Crowdfunding is a complex and developing area of litigation funding and not without risk. Ensure that you are aware of all the potential problems that may arise in the course of sourcing funds.

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February 14, 2024

Can a Facebook post cost you?

Associate Principal Caroline Callegari summarises the consequences of a defamatory Facebook post for both author and victim, in Rodgers & Anor v Gooding [2023] QDC 115.

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February 1, 2024

Losing Trust in your Trustee?

Navigating concerns regarding the management of your interests by a trustee or executor can be a delicate matter. Our Litigation team summarises the issues that may arise and how they might be managed.

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